French Shoemaker since 1934

General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website
(version dated January 18, 2024)

These General Terms and Conditions of Use apply to the website: (hereinafter referred to as "the Website"), published by the company HESCHUNG & CIE (hereinafter referred to as "the Publisher") and freely accessible to internet users (hereinafter referred to as "Users"). 

1.      Acceptance

By using the Website, particularly by creating a Customer Account, Users accept these terms and conditions, acknowledge having full knowledge of them, and agree to comply with them. Users are encouraged to print these terms and conditions.

The Publisher reserves the right to unilaterally modify these terms and conditions at any time. In such a case, only the updated version available on the Website will apply.

2.      Liability

(i) Despite the care taken with the quality and reliability of the information published on the Website, whether written or multimedia content, the Publisher cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions in such information.

(ii) Users are solely responsible for their use of all or part of the elements of the Website, as well as for any services offered by the Publisher, including messages sent to the Publisher via contact forms. In this regard, the Publisher cannot be held liable for any damage or harm directly or indirectly attributable to the User or resulting from any action, negligence, clumsiness, or omission on their part.

Similarly, the Publisher's liability cannot be engaged for any action or decision taken by its providers or partners independently, at their discretion, or contrary to the Publisher's instructions.

(iii) Although the Publisher strives to provide an accessible, secure, and user-friendly Website, they cannot be held responsible for malfunctions, including access issues, operational issues, or security concerns, particularly when cookies are refused via the User's browser settings.

For more information about cookie usage, refer to the Cookie Policy.

3.      Creating and Managing a Customer Account

(i) Before placing any order on the Website or during browsing, Users are invited to create an account that allows them to place orders (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer Account").

To create a Customer Account or log in, Users can click on the "MY ACCOUNT" icon located at the top right of the page. To purchase any product(s) available on the Website, Users must create and/or log in to their Customer Account to proceed and finalize the purchase process.

(ii) When creating the Customer Account, Users are required to provide certain information by filling out the designated form. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk and must be completed to proceed with the creation. Optional fields can be left blank at the User’s discretion.

Users attest to the accuracy of all information provided during account creation or subsequent updates.

(iii) The information collected by the Publisher may be used to improve Website services, products offered, or for statistical purposes. This information provision does not constitute a benefit granted by the User to the Publisher or compensation for additional services offered exclusively to Customer Account holders.

For more information on personal data processing, Users are encouraged to consult the "Privacy Policy and Personal Data Processing."

(iv) Users wishing to permanently delete their Customer Account can request deletion by emailing [email protected]. Upon receipt of the valid deletion request, the Publisher will delete the account within a reasonable timeframe, no later than one month after receiving the email.

(v) Non-compliance with the Terms and Conditions may result in account suspension or closure after a 15-day notice period. Account deletion leads to the permanent erasure of all associated personal data.

(vi) Inactive accounts for over two years will be deleted, with prior notice to the User, allowing them to express their desire to keep the account active.

4.      Use of the Customer Account / Personal Space

Once the Customer Account is created, Users will have access to a personalized space (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Space") that includes an access to the information provided, with the ability to modify it, and several other services offered by the Publisher.

Users can access their Personal Space after logging into their Customer Account at any time while browsing the Website by clicking on the same icon for creating or logging into the Customer Account, located at the top right or in the menu for the mobile version.

On the homepage of their Personal Space, Users can :

- View, update, or modify personal data provided during the creation of the Customer Account or subsequently by clicking "My Account."

- View, update, delete, or add a new postal address linked to their Customer Account by clicking "My Addresses."

- View the order history linked to the User’s Customer Account by clicking "Order History and Details."

- View credits linked to their Customer Account (e.g., refunds for canceled orders, commercial gestures, or loyalty benefits) by clicking "My Returns" or "My Vouchers."

- Log out of the Customer Account by clicking the "Log Out" icon in the menu, noting that this action does not permanently delete the account.

5.      Forms

Several forms (contact, registration, login, etc.) are available for Users.

A contact form labeled "Customer Service" is available to all Users and can be accessed by clicking "Contact Us" in the reassurance banner under the "Customer Service" section.

Another contact form labeled "Press" is specifically intended for contacting the Publisher’s press department and is accessible by clicking "Press Contact" in the Website’s footer.

To ensure valid delivery, any User inquiry via the "Contact" form must select the appropriate subject from the dropdown menu provided. Similarly, inquiries via the "Press Contact" form must exclusively concern the press department, with general inquiries being directed to the "Contact" form.

Sending a "Contact" form requires Users to complete an authentication test proving they are a human (CAPTCHA test) and provide a valid email address to facilitate communication and ensure follow-up.

If Users are logged into their Customer Account, any form will automatically populate with the email address linked to the account. However, Users may replace this pre-filled address with another valid address belonging to them.

In all cases, when such forms are submitted, the Publisher will make every effort to respond to User inquiries but is not obligated to confirm receipt or guarantee a reply.

6.      Newsletter

Subscription to the Newsletter allows Users to stay informed about HESCHUNG brand news and receive commercial information.

Users can subscribe at any time by entering their email address in the Newsletter field and checking the box indicating consent, thereby acknowledging awareness of the corresponding information notices, particularly regarding personal data processing.

Alternatively, Users may subscribe to the Newsletter when creating their Customer Account by checking the corresponding box after reviewing the related information notices. In this case, the Newsletter will be sent directly to the email address provided during account creation.

Users may unsubscribe from the Newsletter at any time :

- By clicking the unsubscribe link included in each Newsletter communication.

- By unchecking the "Subscribe to the Newsletter" box in the "Your Personal Information" section of their Customer Account.

- By requesting it through the "Customer Service" form, by email at [email protected], or by mail addressed to Heschung & Cie – 1 rue du chantier de Créosotage, 67790 Steinbourg.

7.      Intellectual Property

All elements of the Website, whether visual or auditory, including the underlying technology, are protected by French and international intellectual property laws.

These elements are the exclusive property of the Publisher, its partners, and/or their respective rights holders, who have granted the Publisher a license to use them.

Any reproduction, representation, use, distribution, or total or partial publication of the Website’s content for any purpose and on any medium is strictly prohibited and may constitute an act of infringement.

8.      Hypertext Links

The creation of any hypertext link to the Website, whether professional, commercial, non-commercial, or associative, requires prior written authorization from the Publisher. Unauthorized links must be removed upon request.

Despite the care taken with external links provided on the Website, the Publisher cannot be held responsible for the content or information published on linked external websites.

9.      Code of Conduct

Users agree to provide accurate personal information regardless of the communication method used (contact forms, account creation fields, or modifications). Users must not engage in any behavior intended to impersonate someone else or create confusion regarding their identity.

Customer Accounts/Personal Spaces are intended strictly for the exclusive use of the account holder and remain under their sole responsibility. Users must use a unique, robust, and regularly updated password and must not share or disclose it to third parties.

Users must communicate courteously and respectfully when using contact forms or any communication method on the Website, adhering to applicable laws, public order, good morals, and the rights of third parties and the Publisher.

Non-compliance with these Terms may lead to account suspension, email filtering, or legal action at the Publisher’s discretion.

10.      Applicable Law

The Website complies with French laws and regulations.

The Publisher cannot be held responsible for any non-compliance with the laws of the country where the Website is accessed. It is the User’s responsibility to verify compliance.